yoga teacher, past life regression therapist
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Yoga bureaucracy

Yoga Certificates

Srivatsa Ramaswami (born 1939) was a direct disciple of the legendary yogi Sri T Krishnamacharya for over 30 years in Madras. He studied hatha yoga, vinyasa krama, chanting of several chapters of the Yajur veda and Sanskrit philosophical texts like the Upanishad Vidyas (Taittiriya, Mandukya, Mundaka, Chandogya, Brihadaranyaka) and others such as Yoga Sutra, Samkhya Karika, the Bhagavad Gita.
Ericsonian Therapy and Hypnosis (140 hours) 2012
Past Life Regression (level 1) with Rifa Hodgson (Michael Newton Institute) 24 hours
Past Life Regression (level 2) with Rifa Hodgson (Michael Newton Institute) 24 hours
Past Life Regression course (32 hours) with Dr. Pavel S. Gyngazov
Sertificate of membership (level: an expert) in Russian Association of professional past life regression therapysts
Intensive PLR workshop with Dr. Brian Weiss in Roma, Italy, june 2017.
(Age, in Utero and Past Life Regression) and Life Between Lifes Hypnotherapy course with Paul Aurand (Michael Newton Institute)